Our sweet girl turned five a few weeks ago.
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This may be my favorite time with her yet. She is the SWEETEST, most caring, funniest, silliest and smartest little thing. She is constantly surprising Chris and I with how much she knows. She is a sponge and soaks it all up. She had the best manners too. Rarely do I have to remind her to say excuse me, thank you, you’re welcome, etc. She thanks me for making her dinner and tells me how amazing it is (her words haha), how I am her pretty momma and she loves me so much, etc. She is a very affectionate girl and loves her family.
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Kyler probably is one of the funniest people I know. She is constantly saying silly things and acting goofy and she knows she is funny. That does get her in some trouble sometimes Image may be NSFW.
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She is quite the little momma. She really is Hudson and Lincoln’s 2nd mom. She is always looking out for them, helping them, disciplining them haha. She helps Chris and I out quite a bit. I have caught her dressing Hudson after bath, she puts his shoes on, encourages him with whatever he’s doing, gets him food, etc. Just this morning she hooked him up with a lollipop at 9:30am because he wanted one and we said no Image may be NSFW.
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It’s amazing how much she has learned in a year. I think VPK had a lot to do with that but it’s so fun watching her recognize words, sound them out and try and write them. Her handwriting has gotten a lot better and she is really loving school. She likes to count to 100 and was schooling me on compound words the other day. Sometimes she says she wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
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She does have her moments but they tend to be when she gets really tired. The sas is still in full force but that’s okay. She is definitely a strong willed, beats to her own drum, independent girl.
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Her favorite things to do include watching movies and tv. She will probably watch paint dry if it’s on tv so we have to turn it off quite a bit. Now that she knows how to turn on the TV by talking to Alexa, it’s been fun Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. She loves Trolls and all Disney movies. She loves to play on her iPad and loves to color and make up pictures for us. When she isn’t doing that, she loves to play with her barbie and her American Girl dolls. She of course love to play with Hudson too.
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She is a pretty good eater. She loved breakfast food and SWEETS. This girl hasn’t met a dessert or candy she hasn’t liked. It’s ridiculous and she is just like her dad. Her favorite meals are spaghetti, pierogies, and pizza. She is starting to get a little more adventurous with what she tries (for her). She loves her some flavored lemonade and did I mention anything sweet?
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When it comes to her fashion she is a girly girl. She loves dresses, headbands, her new earrings, and loves when she gets new clothes. So funny.
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We love you Kyler Nicole!
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